What is the raised edge of a sailboat’s deck called? (Hint: Is often made of aluminum or wood.) Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water ...
On September 3, 2014 / By AdministratorHow much breaking strength does a standard polyester double-braid line lose when a bowline is tied in it? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be ...
On August 27, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat is the name of the line attached to the end of the boom that is used to keep the boom from dropping? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, ...
On August 21, 2014 / By AdministratorIn the International COLREGS, how many blasts on a horn should you give if you wish to overtake a vessel on the port side? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, ...
On August 13, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat does the symbol above represent on a weather map? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at random from ...
On August 7, 2014 / By AdministratorSailing near a coast you see a light on your chart labeled with the characteristics “Gp Fl (3) 16M”. What does that tell you? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A ...
On July 30, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat is the triangle called that is often created when plotting a three bearing fix? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected ...
On July 23, 2014 / By AdministratorAt what altitude do cirrus clouds typically form? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at random from the correct answers. Thanks ...
On June 19, 2014 / By AdministratorOn a boat with a left-handed propeller, which way will the stern “walk” when in reverse? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will ...
On June 11, 2014 / By AdministratorWhen sailing close hauled or on a reach, is the true wind direction forward or aft of the apparent wind? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will ...
On June 4, 2014 / By AdministratorPublished by Blue Water Sailing Media, a division of Day Communications, Inc., Middletown, RI
Publisher & Editor: George Day
Blue Water Sailing Media publishes Blue Water Sailing magazine, Multihulls Today and other titles.
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George Day, Newport, RI
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