The venerable French production builder of modern cruising monohulls developes designs that push the aesthetic envelope to the very edge. Yet, as a style leader, they soon see their big competitors following, since they continue to be a best selling brand in Europe and around the world in the cruising sailboat market.
The 54, which is being introduced for 2025, is no exception. The hull huge has very full sections forward and the maximum beam carried all the way aft. This provides for a larger than usual master cabin forward or even the possibility of dividing the space into two double cabins.
Aft, the wide beam makes room for a vast cockpit with a wide water-front patio created by the full-width swim platform. Inside, this extra volume makes the quarter cabins roomy and comfortable.
The 54 has high topside with an attractive bevel along the sheer to add shape to the otherwise slab sides. And this expanse of hull is mitigated visually by the addition of large, angular glazing panels. The fixed ports in the glazing fill the cabins and saloon with natural light.
One of the features that makes the new 54 particularly suited to warm weather cruising is the after patio on the fold-down transome. Here you will find a sink with running water and the electric grill. Plus there is a dedicated locker for the life raft and a shower with hot and cold running water. Note that the swim ladder has hand rails above deck level to help you climb easily from the water to the platform. Also, note the optional hard-top over the cockpit that will protect you from sun and rain.
Another unique feature Dufour has added is the owner’s suite layout forward that has the big double berth placed off to the starboard side and positioned sideways. This arrangement opens up space which in turn makes it possible to put a small sofa and an enclosed office or vanity area to port. This suite will be great for live-aboards, although an athwart-ships berth might not be great at sea.
Dufour is very clever with their design graphics and has put a lot of detail and illustrations and animations on the website.