On a sailboat underway in dense fog, what sound signal or horn blasts should be used for identification and as a warning to other vessels?
Send your answers to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner will be drawn from the correct answers and will win a subscription to the digital version of Blue Water Sailing.
Many thanks to all readers who submitted answers to last week’s Mindbender. The winner this week is Susan Hanson, Chatham, MA, who emailed: “The Swedish watch system used by crews sailing offshore involves two six-hour watches during the day from 0800 to to 1400 and 1400 to 2000 and three four hour watches overnight from 2000 to 0000, 0000 to 0400 and 0400 to 0800. This system works best for couples or crews of four that can be be broken into two equal watch teams.”