Before reading on, please take a moment to fill out this week’s survey so we can share your thoughts and experiences with the Cruising Compass family.
If you have sailed to the Caribbean for the winter (or plan to) and plan to spend a few winters there, have you (or would you) choose to leave your boat somewhere safe for the hurricane season or sail it home in the spring?
Thanks to all readers who answered last week’s survey on riding out a storm at sea. Of those who answered, 68% have been in a storm at sea. Asked how long the storm lasted, 31% said more than 24 hours, 29% said six to 12 hours, 18% said 12 to 18 hours, 16% said less than six hours and 6% said 18 to 24 hours. Asked what sail combination they used in the storm, 32% said deep reefed main and reefed/rolled up headsail, 24% said they ran off under bare poles, 14% said they flew a storm jib alone, 11% said a deep reefed main and no headsail, 10% said a dowsed main and a reefed headsail, and 9% said they flew a storm trysail and storm jib. Asked for their sailing strategy in a storm, 46% said they carry on under deep reefed main and headsail, 20% said they run before the storm, 13% said they run for shelter if at all possible, 11% said they heave to, 7% said they trail warps or a drogue while running off, and 3% said they lie to a sea anchor.