Before reading on, please pause for a moment to take this week’s survey so we can share the results with the Cruising Compass family.
We have readers who live and have cruised all over the world, so we are wondering what are your three top and most favorite cruising areas?
Many thanks to all readers who took the time to respond to last week’s survey on licenses for people operating boats in U.S. coastal waters. A surprising 68% of readers replied yes to mandating state licenses. Of those, the reasons for requiring licenses are: 1. Good seamanship makes for safer and happier boaters; 2. It’s a public safety issue; 3. It’s the responsible thing to do; and 4. Many states require licenses now.
Of the 32% of readers who are against requiring state licenses to operate a boat, their reasons are: 1. Bureaucracy is a waste of taxpayers’ money. 2. Government should stay out of our boating lives; 3. Boating safety is a personal responsibility; and 4. I am experienced boater and don’t need a license.