Twenty three boats and one hundred and twenty four sailors participated in the epic 2017 Salty Dawg Rally to Cuba. As a tax-exempt private educational organization, the SDSA was permitted to conduct a visit to Cuba with participants conducting research related to SDSA objectives. The sailors conducted research in numerous topics that would be of interest to future visitors to Cuba, and those interested in learning about Cuba today.
Salty Dawg sailors were able to roam and interview Cubans directly, visit their shops and farms, and were not spoon fed the propaganda other US visitors receive in their Cuban Government run ‘educational’ sessions or from government tour guides. The results of their research are documented in summary papers posted on the Salty Dawg website. The papers provide a wealth of original material in the words of these Salty Dawg sailors. It is fascinating reading. Enjoy and pass on to others who would find this of interest. Read all the accounts here.