SnapTrack is tracking made easy. Log your locations so friends and family are one-click away from following you on your adventures. View on one screen the locations of your entire fleet of assets or all the members of your race or rally. And spend little money and less time in being able to do so.
SnapTrack is OCENS response to the requests of many of our customers for a clean and simple solution to the tracking question. SnapTrack shortens the path from where you are in even the most remote of locations to a screen that captures the ‘where’ of your wanderings.
SnapTrack is compatible with most satellite devices which can send a GPS position. These include:
- Iridium GO!,
- Iridium 9575 handheld phone,
- Inmarsat IsatPhone2,
- DeLorme inReach SE and Explorer and
- SPOT satellite messenger
Positions can be submitted to SnapTrack by most of these devices either manually or in an unattended, scheduled fashion. Read More