Thoughts on Boat Handling, Docking and Mooring for Couples

Having sailing something like 60,000 miles with my good and patient wife, Rosa, aboard our Mason 43 Clover and our Jeanneau 452 Limin, we can look back at how our roles evolved over the years. At first it was assumed by both of us  that I would take the helm when docking or mooring and she, being spritely and nimble, would handle the lines.

But as time went on and we both got more experienced, the roles began to shift. She would take the helm and maneuver the boat and I would handle lines, fenders and/or the anchor. That way we allocated brawn and dexterity where they needed to be instead of the other way around.

I’m not going to get into the business of telling others how to handle your boat in close quarters. You know your strengths and weaknesses and can figure out what works best for you, just as we do. But the process for us evolved over time.

Here’s a thoughtful article by British author David Harding in Practical Boat Owner, on reversing roles in marina maneuvers. Plus, there are some useful tips and illustrations.

Read more here.


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