Cruising Life | Sweet Spots on the Rio Dulce Part II: Getting to one of the western Caribbean’s best hurricane holes by Christine Myers.

World Cruising | We Come to Bear Witness: Sailing Haida Gwaii Exploring the amazing history and wildlife of this off-the-beaten-track British Columbian isle by Charlotte Austin.

Living Aboard | Riding it Out in Fiji
An unexpected cyclone season hideout makes for a laborious but rewarding stop by Heather Francis.

Communications at Sea
Personal Locator Beacons Save Lives. SSB Email and Weather Made Easy by Daniel Collins. Satellite Phones at Sea. Radio Check by Andrew Cross

Sailing Smart | Destination Denmark by George Day

Blue Water Boats | Allures 45
Equal parts performance and comfort, the Allures 45 will take you wherever you want to go by Andrew Cross

Offshore | Herd Instinct

Deciding when to head offshore can be tricky, and subject to the opinions of those around you by Bill Biewenga


Author: Blue Water Sailing