Beyond the Ditty Bag

Essential things every sailor should bring along when sailing on someone else’s boat  (published December 2014) By now, the contents of a sailor’s ditty bag have […]

Silent Running

Re-powering a 36-ketch with an electric motor  (published November 2014) When my diesel engine’s exhaust manifold, raw water header tank, and other critical and expensive systems […]

Bicycling While Cruising

Carrying a bike aboard can be extremely useful and nprovide you with additional enjoyment as you cruise  (published October 2014) One of the main joys of […]

Get the Most from the Sun and Wind

A quick guide to maximizing your energy independence  (published June 2014) For decades now, solar and wind power have reliably provided inexpensive energy to cruisers. It’s […]

Staying in Touch

Thoughts after using SSB and satellite phones over thousands of miles at sea  (published August 2013) The SSB radio is a time-honored staple of long distance […]