
Sail repairs at sea are not a matter of “if” but “when”…since sails that are used hard offshore will eventually need your tender loving care  (published […]

Herd Instinct

Deciding when to head offshore can be tricky, and subject to the opinions of those around you  (published February 2014) It had been a rough passage […]

North to South: Pointing the Way

How magnetic compasses work in the real world  (published January 2014) It was a bitter cold night. We left Newport, R.I. at 0300 that morning, and […]

Bitter Winds

Cold weather sailing can be hard and dangerous. Or, it can be a rare pleasure.  (published December 2013) Christmas Eve. We had just tied up alongside […]

Landfall Bermuda

Sailing to Bermuda isn’t always the easiest passage, and stopping there can have surprises of its own  (published November 2013) The delivery out of the BVI […]

Snowbird Migrations

The leaves turn color and drop. The Canada Geese head south. The warm allure of the tropics beckons. But getting there may or may not be […]

It’s Time for Your Watch

There are as many ways to parse time as there are readers of this article, but there is more to a watch schedule than time  (published […]