Attend a Mahina Seminar at the Chicago or Seattle Boat Shows!

Mahina Cruising Seminars at Strictly Sail Chicago Boat Show, Jan. 24-26 and at The Seattle Boat Show, Feb. 1-3 Co-Sponsored by BWS, Cruising Compass & West MarineBWS contributors and world cruiser/expedition leaders John Neal and Amanda Swan Neal will present seminar topics including Storm Survival Tactics, Selecting an Ocean Cruising Boat, Ocean Cruising Countdown, South Pacific Cruising, Diesel Engine Essentials and Galley Essentials with Amanda. Details:

In addition to these free one-hour seminars, an all-day Saturday seminar will feature boat selection and outfitting, security issues worldwide, anchoring, medical, sail and rig repair, communication; essentially what it takes to cruise safely and successfully anywhere in the world. Cost: $179/single, $299/couple. Details and registration: .

John & Amanda spend seven months sailing 10,000 miles annually while conducting offshore instructional voyages worldwide aboard their Hallberg-Rassy 46, Mahina Tiare III. They have sailed a combined total of 584,000 miles since 1974.

For seminar times, dates, outlines and registration check out


Author: Blue Water Sailing

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