Many of us who have dedicated chart plotters on our boats or multifunction displays (MFDs), also have charting and routing apps on out phones and tablets […]
Is ORCA the Nav System to Replace Chart Plotters?
Energy Afloat: Lithium, Solar and Wind Are the Perfect Combination
By Bob Osborn After years of thinking about upgrading the house bank to lithium on Pandora, our 2007 Aerodyne 47 sloop, we decided to move […]
AIS Mystery: Ships Displaced and Strangely Circling
The Maritime Executive newsletter has a story this week of some truly strange anomalies going on with the worldwide AIS system aboard ships and boats of […]
Holiday Sales. Garmin Marine Stuff up to 20% Off
We don’t want to give undue promotion to one company over others but we came across a deal that we felt we needed to pass along. […]
Vesper Launches Cortex AIS Multitasking Capability
Vesper produces one of the most sophisticated AIS devices on the market that can be integrated with most MFD/GPS systems. Recently, the New Zealand-based company introduced […]
Integrel Battery Charger Can Replace a Genset
Battery charging is always a prime concern for cruisers and people living on their boats. How can you have all of the gadgets and electronics you […]
Raymarine Introduces Lighthouse Bermuda MFD Software Update for Sailors
Last summer Raymarine rolled out the beta version of the new Lighthouse software for their Axiom multifunction displays that was created specifically for sailors who cruise […]
The Simplest, Easiest Man Overboard Locator You Can Buy
It is Boating Safety Week so we thought we’d introduce you to one of the coolest, simplest and most affordable man-overboard recovery devices we’ve ever seen. […]
Navigation Systems for Cruisers
After a lightning strike, we had to replace all of our electronics-it was an eye opening task (published January/February 2018) A couple of years ago we […]
Stay in Touch
“Stay in Touch!” It’s a common enough term, but one that takes on many places and is important to many people (published November/December 2017) As […]